cf-DNA/cf-RNA Preservative Tubes
- Collection and preservation of both cf-DNA and cf-RNA from a single tube
- Fixative-free preservative, no cross-linking of DNA
- Preserve cf-DNA/ct-DNA for 30 days at ambient temperature and for up to 8 days at 37°C
- Preserve cf-RNA for 30 days at ambient temperature
- Preserve Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs) for 14 days at ambient temperature
- No plasma volume loss after shipping/transportation
- Prevent hemolysis allowing better separation of plasma
- Prevent apoptosis of blood cells and fragmentation of genomic DNA
- Produce high quality/quantity of plasma cf-DNA/ct-DNA/cf-RNA
Saliva Collection and Preservation
- More than 2 years of saliva DNA preservation at room temperature
- Saliva RNA Collection and Preservation Devices allow for the preservation of saliva RNA up to 2 months at room temperature
- Saliva Exosome Collection and Preservation Kit stabilizes and preserves exosomes for 2 years at ambient temperature
- Ambient temperature storage and transport
- Sample can be mailed by regular post or courier service
- High quality DNA for all downstream applications: NGS, PCR, microarrays, SNPs, methylation studies, etc.
- Affordable price and tremendous savings enabling you to do more on your project
- Available in both research use format and CE-IVD marked for use in in vitro diagnostic workflows
Stool Collection and Preservation
- The preservative provides sample homogeneity eliminating sample variability
- Preserve and safely transport DNA & RNA at ambient temperature
- No cold shipping/storage needed - hassle-free and cost effective
- Isolate high quality nucleic acids for any application including 16s NGS
- Robust preservation over a range of temperatures
- Customizable with various accessories for easy and safe collection
- Eliminates odor and renders samples safe and non-infectious
Urine Collection and Preservation
- RNA/microRNA/DNA/Proteins are preserved for more than 2 years at room temperature
- Compatible with most DNA, Total RNA, microRNA and protein isolation methods
- Preservative is available in a single dose liquid format (ampoule)
- Preservative is also available in a dried format in tubes - Urine Collection and Preservation Tubes
- Convenient and useful for preserving cell-free macromolecules as well as exfoliated cells and microorganisms during shipping of urine at ambient temperatures
Swab Collection and Nucleic Acid Preservation
- User friendly swab-based collection and nucleic acid preservation
- Collect from nasal, buccal, saliva, fecal, skin, surfaces, and more
- Completely stabilize microbiota profiles from the point-of-collection
- Individually wrapped swabs for safe and sterile sample collection
- Sample can be mailed by regular post or courier service
- High quality DNA for all downstream applications: NGS (Metagenomics/Microbiome), PCR, microarrays, SNPs, methylation studies, etc.
- Compatible with DNA isolation kits and systems
Milk DNA Preservation and Isolation
- Milk samples are stable for 1 month at room temperature (or 1 week at 37°C) in the Preservation Solution
- Fast and easy processing using a rapid spin-column format
- DNA can be isolated and detected from as little as 100 µL of milk
- Isolate high quality genomic DNA
Shipping Accessories
- All shipping requirements in one convenient mailer
- Leak-proof biohazard bags with adsorbent pads for enhanced safety
- Matches the standards of OSHA as well as the IATA regulations