Small RNA Library Preparation Kits
- Simple and quick workflow. Library could be prepared in less than 5 hours
- No gel purification for selected types of samples
- Complements Norgen's Best-in-Class Total RNA (including microRNA) Purification Technology
- Protocol optimized for RNA isolated from different types of input, including liquid biopsies (blood, plasma, serum and urine)
- Up to 48 Indices Availability
16s rRNA Library Preparation Kits
- Simple and quick workflow. Library could be prepared in less than 4 hours
- Part of Norgen's metagenomics workflow: collection, preservation, DNA isolation, sequencing, and analysis
- Protocol optimized for DNA isolated from a large range of sample types
- Up to 384 unique dual-index libraries can be prepared for a single NGS run
ITS Library Preparation Kits
- Protocol optimized for DNA isolated from a diversity of samples including stool, soil, water, saliva, plant, urine, skin, and more
- Simple and quick workflow: library could be prepared in less than 4 hours
- Component of Norgen's metagenomics workflow
- A single NGS run can be prepared with up to 384 unique dual-index libraries
- Two individual kits to select from, based on the choice of regions to sequence: ITS1 and ITS2
- Sequencers with long sequence reads not required as both the libraries can be run on Illumina platform