- Simultaneously clean-up and concentrate total isolated proteins using Norgen’s proprietary resin matrix
- Rapidly remove salts, detergents, and endotoxins, without buffer exchange
- Versatile sample input volume
- No molecular weight cutoff allows for isolation of all sizes of proteins and peptides
- >95% protein recovery
- Intact, functional proteins are ready for downstream applications including SDS-PAGE, 2D gels, Western Blotting, whole protein mass spectrometry, and protein microarrays
SKU 22800 | Mini | 25 Preps
For rapid and efficient endotoxin removal from proteins and peptides
SKU 22200 | Maxi | 4 Preps
For rapid and efficient endotoxin removal from proteins and peptides
SKU 30300 | 25 Preps
Fast and simple detergent-free isolation of total proteins